
Coddiwomple Lublin to Dublin begins

Verano by MDL Solutions presents Coddiwomple Lublin to Dublin

Verano by MDL Solutions is a company that has always been focused on climate change and helping the environment. Our products are designed to lower energy bills and be environmentally conscious. We have installed our products around the world in order to help people save money and be more environmentally friendly. We are committed to helping fight climate change and making our planet a better place for future generations. Verano by MDL Solutions is a company you can trust to help you save money and the environment.


We decided to take it one step further. Eoghan McHugh is a cyclist who is taking on the challenge of cycling from Lublin to Dublin- a journey of more than 4000 km. This trip is not only about adventure, but also about raising awareness for climate change and what we can do to make a difference. Eoghan will be passing through 8 countries and stopping in cities along the way to spread the word and encourage people to donate to Planet Earth. All proceeds from donations will go towards planting trees- one of the most effective ways to combat climate change. You can follow Eoghan’s journey on our website,, and donate to his cause to help protect our planet. 

Coddiwomple beginsToday was a big day. We finally kicked off this great adventure at our factory located in Lublin, Poland. We had many government officials and media present, and Eoghan managed to accomplish arriving at Radom, Poland. The journey will continue for 6 more weeks, but we’re excited to see what the future holds. Today was a big milestone for us and we’re looking forward to continuing on this adventure.

There are many ways we can help the environment, but one of the most important is by planting trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and other pollutants from the air, helping to improve air quality and combat climate change. They also provide homes for wildlife, help to regulate water flow, and prevent soil erosion. In short, trees are vital to the health of our planet. You can help by donating to tree-planting initiatives, or by planting trees in your own community. By working together, we can make a difference and help ensure a future for Planet Earth.  Thank you for joining us on this journey and please share or donate today.  Follow us through Linked In or Facebook or through our website at 


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