
Coddiwomple – Takes a break in Berlin

Coddiwomple is an old English word meaning “to travel in a meandering or circular fashion”. For Eoghan, it has come to mean much more. When he set out on his journey from Lublin to Dublin, he had no idea that he would end up peddling over 4000 km in support of Protect Earth. But that’s exactly what he’s doing. Catching his breath in Berlin was a welcome respite, but today he continues his cycling coddiwomple in the fight against climate change. You can join him by donating today at

Travelling already through two countries and with six more to go, the journey is intent to continue up to 4000 km. Our next stop is through France and will be taking a break as we planted tree and bring a recognition to the fact that climate change is a serious concern. What better place than France where the Paris accord headfirst established an awareness to climate change overall in the world. 8 days ago, cycling from Lublin to Dublin, our man Eoghan McHugh set out with cameras and curiosity to explore what Climate Change looks like across Europe. Our mode of transport- cycling- was not only economical but also produced zero emissions. After cycling through Poland and Germany, we will be entering France.

Climate Change is a global phenomenon, however its effects are felt differently in different parts of the world. In Berlin, we met with our Verano Global representative. While cycling through the Polish countryside, it was difficult to find anyone who was able to talk about Climate Change- even though it has been in the news recently. This just goes to show that although Climate Change is a global problem, its effects are experienced differently in different parts of the world. As we continue our journey towards Dublin, we hope to learn more about how people are affected by and responding to Climate Change in different parts of Europe.

Verano by MDL Solutions is a leader in manufacturing energy efficient HVAC equipment which includes Trench Heating, grill frames, Trench fan coils and wall-mounted air conditioning units throughout the world. This is a great example of why we want to bring awareness to not only the products that help create energy efficient solutions but also how we as collectively a world need to think about the planet we live in.

Climate change is real, whether you choose to believe it or not, and it’s happening right now. We need to do our part in slowing down the effects of climate change and one way we can do that is by using energy efficient products in our homes and businesses. Verano by MDL Solutions is doing our part by manufacturing HVAC equipment that uses less energy and helps to save our planet’s resources.

The proceeds are going to protect earth, a charity that has strongly supported planting lots and lots of trees. The planting of the trees offset the carbon that we as humans create Anna search can help clean the fresh air we need and keep our ecosystem in a way that is liveable for everyone.

Make a donation today by CLICKING HERE


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