
Dublin – The Coddiwomple has come to an end

Coddiwomple, what a great word. It means to travel in a particular direction without having a specific destination in mind. That was the plan for the Coddiwomple Lublin to Dublin adventure. Eoghan started in Lublin, Poland and cycled to Dublin, Ireland. Along the way, raising awareness for climate change and raised money for Protect Earth, a charity that plants trees.

Cycling through 8 countries and travelled over 4,000 kilometers. Eoghan faced many challenges along the way, including bad weather and difficult terrain. But it was all worth it in the end. We are happy to say that the Coddiwomple Lublin to Dublin Adventure is now over. And I hope that we have inspired others to do something similar to help raise awareness for our planet.

Verano Global is a leader in the HVAC clean manufacturing world, providing products that have lowered energy costs in multiple buildings around the world. From trench heating to wall-mounted air conditioning units, verano’s products are one of the leaders when it comes to architect and developer designs. We are proud to support a cleaner environment and lowering our carbon footprint in the world. Thanks to verano, countless buildings have been able to reduce their energy consumption and save money on their utility bills. In addition, verano’s products are designed to be as durable as possible, ensuring that they will last for many years to come. With verano leading the way, the future of clean manufacturing is looking very bright.

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