
Tribute to the Queen – Coddiwomple reroute

It was a somber day as we departed Berlin on our Coddiwomple to Lublin. The news of Queen Elizabeth’s passing had just been announced, and the mood among the group was heavy. We had set out on our journey with the hope of raising awareness for climate change and encouraging others to donate to Protect Earth, a charity that plants trees. However, in light of recent events, our mission felt even more important.

As we road through the streets of Berlin, we were reminded of the fragility of life and the importance of making every moment count. We may not have known the Queen personally, but her passing has nonetheless left a lasting impression on us. We will continue to carry her legacy with us as we complete our Coddiwomple and beyond.

96 years ago, Queen Elizabeth began her reign over England. To honour her and all she has accomplished, we will be riding 96 miles next week. But this isn’t just any ride – it’s a ride to raise awareness for the environment. We want to remind people that we need to be conscious of how we’re impacting the planet every day. We hope that others will join us on this ride and help us pay tribute to the queen and the importance of taking care of our planet.

Join Eoghan McHugh, as he outlines our upcoming message to everyone as he continues to ride 4000km from Lublin to Dublin by making a donation to Protect Earth.  


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