
Newhaven, UK – Coddiwomple to Dublin closer!

Newhaven, UK – Coddiwomple to Dublin closer!

Eoghan has been cycling for over a month to raise awareness on climate change and to get donations for Protect Earth, a charity that helps make a difference by making a donation today at Climate change is a huge global problem and Eoghan is hoping to make a difference by cycling through the United Kingdom and Ireland to raise awareness and get people to donate. Please help Eoghan reach his goal by making a donation today!

NEWHAVEN, UK – The Coddiwomple now in the UK

It has been an amazing adventure. Cycling through so many different countries and finally making it to the UK. We are so close to the end of our journey and we have raised a lot of money for a great cause. The UK is such a beautiful country and we are so excited to be cycling through it. We will be going through some of the most stunning cities and we cannot wait to see everything that the UK has to offer. We are so grateful for all of the support that we have received from everyone. Thank you so much for helping us make this dream a reality.

Verano by MDL is proud to sponsor the Coddiwomple, a leader when it comes to HVAC efficiency equipment when it requires energy efficient solutions to reduce our carbon footprint in the planet. Architects, developers have all chosen these products and we are a clean manufacturing focussed organization that believes in making the planet a better place to live. Verano prides itself on being an eco-friendly company and we are grateful for Coddiwomple’s recognition of our commitment to the environment. We are looking forward to continuing our work together to make progress in reducing our carbon footprint. Thank you for your support!

In stock ready to ship. Products delivered in just 2–3 weeks. Call now to confirm availability shipping from Ontario Canada.